Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Paying it Forward

This is a reply to a friend's blog, Blissful Thoughts, and I thought it sounded very interesting. I enjoy reading his posts, but, until today, never considered starting my own blog. I'm really not that interesting! Anyway, my friend posts very interesting, and usually humerous things on his blog. Today, however, I noticed his blog was about "Paying it Forward". I remember a movie of that title a few years ago that I enjoyed, so it caught my eye. Yeah, this is kinda like a chain letter I guess, but it sounds more fun. Now, I'm going to "plagerize" from his blog so I get the info. correct. "The first three people to leave a comment will receive a hand made gift from me the only thing you have to do is participate and carry on the gift giving to three more people... as soon as you have left a comment do a "pay it forward post" on your blog and continue the giving. I will contact the first three comentee's to get their addresses.

That's first blog entry! =)


  1. Oh you are going to have fun with this.

  2. yay! I'm happy to see you blogging, Linda. :) I totally want a handmade gift from you!!! And I will do it on my poor, neglected blog.

  3. oh crap, people actually found this! Now, I have to get "creative" lol, this oughta be's off to Michael's!
